Sunday, February 7, 2010

Winter Blues

Ugh, what a year 2010 has turned out to be so far.  It really can only get better from here.  I had a friend post on there blog "Jan-sick-uary" and I have to agree along with Feb-sick-uary.  First me with whatever funky thing I had and no poor Bryan - he's worst - sore throat, fever, and no sinus.  Least his lungs sound clear.  :-)

I feel like I've been sick forever - not 'sick' just not well I guess.  I'm beginning to think its allergies or maybe the dry air here.  I NEVER go to the doctor more than once a year and sometimes not that often and this year (well 2009/2010) I've been 4 times to get antibiotics.  Luckily this is Bryan's first real bout with anything - he doesn't do sick well - at all.

Stress could be a big factor too - it's been a stress filled 18 months for sure - moving, family illnesses, family deaths, no jobs, school, finding jobs just to get laid off, no jobs again, another family death...  UGH.  Done with the bad stuff already.  Done I say.

Good things have happened too of course.  Not all has been gloom & doom but that always seems to be what we dwell on for some reason.  Due to me not finding work I started a great program in respiratory therapy - something I've been thinking of doing for a few years and I have to say - I LOVE it.  I wish I'd done it years ago!  I've started clinicals and this is what I should have been doing with my life.  Really.  We've had several new additions to the family - We adopted two rowdy, obnoxious pups that we complain about constantly but do love (most of the time) and Bryan's sister had her second daughter, I had two new great-nephews born, a new great-great nephew and a new great-great-niece (yes a great-great!!).  We've been able to visit with family more than we've had in a while - nice with all the sickness going on with them.  I guess it all balances out - but still sick of being sick!!!

Bryan is searching high & low for work.  Inside and out of New Mexico - Texas, Arizona, Colorado, and as far east as Georgia.  Houston is looking like a better bet (UGH) with the most jobs but neither of us really want to move to TX.  Ideally, he'll find something right where we are since we moved here to be closer to family but we'll go where the job is located.  Keep us in your prayers that something comes up soon.  

Life is good really, I just need to keep reminding myself that it could be worse and we are really very lucky.  I believe everything happens for a reason and God's looking out for us.  We'll be fine.  I just want to stop coughing & sniffling!!!  :-)

And I would like a little cheese with my whine, if you please.  :-P


Towanda said...

Raymona - I hope you feel better soon. Being sick for so long and trying to maintain a busy life is very very difficult.

Another thing that might be contributing to the sickness, especially now that your clinicals have started, may be all the contact you are having with patients who have respiratory conditions and who knows what germs and garbage in their lungs -- and you are right in the vicinity while they are hacking it all up into the air around you during their treatments.

Maybe wearing a mask till you are better might keep you from getting further infection while your immunity is low?

WasSoggyInSeattle said...

Its pretty much required that we wear masks. I thought of that but since I've been puny before I started clinicals I think its even more than that - although all the germs in the hosp probably isn't helping.

clairz said...

I don't really know the science of this issue, but perhaps you will build up immunity by and by? I know that when I started working in a school I got sick right away--something to do with little kids who sneeze (lovingly) right into your face! Eventually I could make it through most anything that was going around.