Thursday, March 11, 2010

Hannah & Maggie and the Death of a Giraffe

Have you seen those ads about the indestructible dog toys?  The ones that are guaranteed to withstand even the worst dog??  Well, they are no match for Hannah & Maggie.  Here's what's left of the lion and giraffe...

Giraffe skin

The Great Hunters After the Disemboweling the Giraffe

Now here are my two 'angels' begging for cheese.  You'll notice the muddy noses, not only are they great hunters, they are also master diggers.



And Hannah not being quite so angelic... We are so waiting for GREEN grass so we can hopefully cut down on the dry grass.

Hannah after her roll in the grass


Potters said...

"Who us? What'd we do? We were just playing...."

Towanda said...

Oh that's hysterical!

We've had dogs before who could rip apart any "indistructible" toy we gave them. I just think some dogs cannot resist. LOL. You almost have to laugh at the mess when you find it.
OMG! I have one that rolls in the dead grass and leaves and anything that looks good to him, and he comes inside covered with it. He has long hair and it is almost impossible to brush off of him before he comes inside.
Dogs!!! Gotta love them!

(P.S. This is the downside. We have friends who have several small dogs. One of them ate an entire dog toy and got an obsturction in his bowel and needed surgery to remove it. A week later another of their dogs ate a plastic bag full of spools of thread and his stomach and small bowel were full of thread. Another surgery needed. Several thousand dollars. So watch those dog toys.)

WasSoggyInSeattle said...

YIKES!!! We gave up on the stuffed toys and then Bryan saw these at Costco and thought... we can try 'em and this is the result. And you'll get onto them and they will look up, with stuffing hanging and out and look so innocent like "What did I do?"

I bet you have a heck of time getting the grass out of the long hair. It's easy enough to brush off these two but the static electricity! Oivee!!!