Thursday, August 11, 2011

Playing With My New Camera

Well after much whining on my part and research on Bryan's part...  I (we) got a new digital camera.  It's new, but an older model that has been getting rave reviews online - Canon EOS Rebel XS (or 1000D, depending on what site you read).  It's our first DSLR and I have a lot to learn but love it so far (I've had it for 2 days).  It's pretty slick and hopefully won't be too hard to learn (I want to get off the pre-programmed settings).  But I think I need a zoom... :-(  Maybe Bryan will forget this is supposed to be for my birthday and I can ask for it in September.  haha

Here's a few random shots from today as the sky darkened and the winds blew.  Nothing fancy, artistic or particularly good but...

Looking north at potential rain.

As the storm comes over head

Moss rose

1 comment:

Potters said...

Yippee, for the new camera! Now you have to sign up for a photography class. :)