Thursday, January 7, 2010

Pet Peeves

Here's some of my pet peeves in no particular order - although if hard pressed I could give you my top 2-3.  Or maybe you can guess them.  :-)

  1. People who don't pick up after their dogs.  I don't care if your dog is some little ankle-biter that weighs a 1/2 pound.  Their poop still stinks and it still makes a mess on my shoes.  Don't ruin it for the rest of us... If your dog poops - you scoop!
  2. People who don't place there hand/hat over their hearts during the national anthem.
  3. People who sleep in class
  4. People who are disrespectful to others, especially their elders - Hello, you too will be old someday.  Do you want some little punk-ass 'kid' treating you the way you just treated that senior?
  5. People who try to exit when you are trying to merge - reduce your speed and get behind me, don't speed up & pass me just to slam on your brakes so you can squeeze in between me & and the car in front of me.
  6. People who text - in a meeting, while driving, in class, while in a conversation with someone....  this list could probably be longer.  
  7. People who think telling their kids to (shut-up, come here, stop that, don't interrupt, quit, etc etc) 150 times in a progressively louder voice is HELPING.  Whack the kid on the butt and see if they mind you better, worked for the rest of us when we were growing up.
What are some of your pet peeves???  


suddenly sahm said...

Beautiful banner pic! Remind me why you moved again??? ;)

The word verification for this comment is "upeedn". That makes me giggle.

Perpetually Unemployed said...

You sound like an old lady!! Man, I feel sorry for your husband...

WasSoggyInSeattle said...

PU - You must fall in one of my pet peeves... he, luckily, does not. :-)

SAHM - upeedn what? hehehehe makes me giggle too.

Towanda said...

People who block my access to the produce at the grocery store while they carryy on a lengthy conversation on their cell phone. I DO NOT WANT to hear other people's conversations. Do your phoning in private.

Still in the grocery store ... people who get in the express lane with a whole cart full of gorceries....I WILL say something to them!

WasSoggyInSeattle said...

I forgot the cell phone users - don't bother me as much since I don't ride the bus but YIKES - when I did, it was so annoying to sit for an hour+ listening to a one-sided conversation. And can they TRY to be quiet? Nope, has to be carried on at full volume so the whole bus could hear. Wouldn't want us to miss something. :-)

clairz said...

Hi, Raymona. I was interested in your comment about people not putting their hand over their heart during the National Anthem. Long ago, when I was in elementary school, we were taught to stand quietly at attention with our hands at our sides during the National Anthem, singing along if we had been invited to do so. We, of course, always put our hands over our hearts during the Pledge. So I think that some people might be acting respectful and just as they were taught, while inadvertently seeming disrespectful to you. I looked up some info on the issue, and found that the part of the U.S. Code that says the hand should be over the heart during the National Anthem was enacted in 1988; so generations taught before that might be showing their respect in the way they learned.

clairz said...

Oops, that date should have been 1998.

WasSoggyInSeattle said...

Really?? Very interesting ClairZ - I was raised that you cover heart for both. Maybe its a regional thing??? But I will try not to be so irritated next time I see it...

Potters said...

Funny post. It cracks me up because I can just hear you. The last one is hysterical. Were not suppose to 'whack' kids anymore...Child Protective Services, says so. Just saying...

Pet Peeves...I have a million. But one that comes to mind is people who cannot merge. If your getting on the freeway, you get on with the pace of traffic....this doesn't not mean that everyone on the freeway slows down and waits for you to get the courage to find the damn gas pedal.