Thursday, November 18, 2010

Nov 18 - The Very Last Final Exam... Sort Of

So, Group 9 of Pima's RT program have completed their very last final - more or less.  We have a final presentation on Jan 7 and then an exit exam... oh and let's not forget the three national board exams we still have to pass.  But let's not dwell on these depressing aspects - instead let us celebrate - OUR LAST FINAL!!!!!!!!!!

I'm sure we knew we'd get here eventually but it sure feels good that we finally made it!!  We each have around 20 days of clinicals left and then 2 weeks of exam prep before we are done for good with the actual 'schooling' part of things.  AMAZING.  Our class started out with about 30 students in May 2009 and we'll graduate (assuming we all passed this last class) 16 of us in January.

What to do after graduation?  First is take and pass the board exams, then JOBS.  As sick as it sounds, I'm kind of tired of not working.  However, I am thinking I may continue on to get my bachelor's in RT (after I find employment of course).  Supposedly a BS is where the RT world is heading so may as well get it over with I suppose.  We'll see - first things first - passing the boards.

What I think I'm most excited for tho is that the majority of my clinicals will be in Texas - well, actually Oklahoma but I'll get to be in TX for the month of December.  Crazy schedule so not sure how many friends and family I'll get to see while I'm there but I am so looking forward to being home with Bryan, Hannah & Maggie!!  YIPPEEE

I'm hoping to get to TX on Dec 4 and be there thru Jan 2.  I'll have about 9-10 days of clinicals and then Bryan and I are taking a week off to go do something fun and sort of reconnect before I head back to New Mexico to finish out my three weeks of school.

Anyway - YEA!  Finals are done!!!!!

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