Monday, November 3, 2008

Oct 31 - Halloween in Pep, NM

We took a 'quick' trip to Pep this weekend to visit my parents and grandparents. i had forgotten that the Pep Community Center was having a Halloween Party... So, at the last minute I had to come up with costumes for us. I thought about orange T-shirts and going as a pumpkin patch but couldn't find the orange t-shirts (Uh, helloooooo... Halloween... where's the Orange T-shirts??) So, I found green ones and some mini Christmas decorations and decided on Christmas trees. Perhaps not the most creative and certainly not scary... well, OK, maybe a LITTLE scary, but it was the best I could come up with on short notice.  At least we were original.

Raymona, Bryan, Mom & Dad (sitting) 
"Halloween Christmas Trees"
There were about 20 people (all locals from the Pep and Dora communities) at the 'party'. Lots of food and a few games (dancing, cake walk & bingo). OK, I know what you are thinking... oooo big night, "fun" party... but really... it was fun, at least for me. I think Bryan & my Grandpa were bored out of their minds. Alcohol in the punch might have helped, at least it would have helped Bryan. Actually the night really was fun. We didn't have anything else planned for the evening.

Below are some pics from the evening's festivities. And a special thanks to Angie and her family for opening up the Center to the community and for all the decorations. Thanks to everyone for the food!!
Dad & me in the cake walk
Pep Halloween Attendees
Gayle, Grandma, Sydney & Mom
Pep Community Center
Don, Mack, Buster & Dad
Outside Pep Community Center

Bryan & Grandpa


Towanda said...

Raymona ~ Oh I loved your post and your pictures! I grew up in a tiny little town in New York, and all the pictures looked just like what they would have had they been taken in my little hometown of Mumford, NY. Boring? Maybe a little, but you can't beat all the down home wonderful caring people and the way they find to have some fun in their lives. THANKS for posting! ...and I love the Christmas tree costumes. (But I am surprised the men actually dressed up in them. LOL!)

WasSoggyInSeattle said...

Towanda -

Thanks. Pep's "city limits" have a population of 3 at the moment but there are several ranchers in the area that receive their mail at that PO. So it is really a small place. HaHa

I'll write a little blurb about it soon.

Towanda said...

Oh my. My hometown had a population of about 400; I think it is less now than when I grew up.