Saturday, November 15, 2008

Returning Dutch

I returned Dutch, our foster puppy, Friday. That was as hard as I thought it would be... and surprisingly we miss him terribly. I'm certain the people at Watermelon Mountain Ranch think I'm a fruit cake. The volunteer there kept asking, "Are you OK?". And when she asked me for his name all I could do was moan... Duu- Duu- Dutch! I know she was like - if you are this upset then why did you bring him back???? You horrible person, you! I felt like such a heel, like I was letting little Dutchie-doodle down.

I think it would have been easier if he was going to a family right away but he has/had a skin condition so unless it scanned clear he would not go out today for adoption. I'm too afraid to call to see if he was able to go out - afraid the answer would be no and then I'd have to go get the little terror tomorrow. The worst is thinking of him back in his little pen, all alone. OK,OK so he would be with his siblings but still...

I'll probably go in Monday or Tuesday to volunteer so I'll see him then... maybe...

He was really a good puppy... "puppy" being the key word here. He was learning to walk on a leash, was sorta housebroke and had learned to climb the stairs (still not great about going DOWN them tho). He got used to going outside and then waiting at the sliding glass door to be let back in - one time I had left the door open so he could just go in but he just sat there. I booted his butt but he didn't even try to go in. I finally had to pretend to open the door and he got up and trotted right in. Too funny!!! I hope he finds a forever home soon!

Bryan said I was more upset over him than I was over losing Bear. So NOT true - with Bear, I had been grieving for weeks before he passed... turning in Dutch was different.

Anyway, I've been so mopey Bryan is like - go back and get him!!! haha If we weren't in a rental house I think I would (and grab one of his siblings too) but Bryan doesn't want anymore pets until we have a house again and as much as it pains me, he's right. But we'll see how long we hold out.


Towanda said...

Raymona --

DO NOT beat yourself up over this. Fostering is a tough business -- hard work and there is an emotional component that goes along with it if you are a caring person. Living in a rental house and also just going through the emotional/exhausting time of moving cross-country make this an especially stressful time in your life. There are times when you know it is not working out and you have to recognize it, return the dog as much as you love him/her already ... and don't feel guilty!!!!

They will still be able to use you in other ways in the organization (there are NEVER enough caring people working in animal rescue). And you never know ... maybe in the future you can try fostering again.

I hope that doesn't sound too preachy -- it comes from years of working in dog rescue. God bless you for trying with Dutch. He sounds so wonderful we know a good forever home will be in his future.

WasSoggyInSeattle said...

Thanks Towanda... I think any other time and he'd been ours... along with one of his siblings as we like to have two.
I hope he has found/will find a good home soon. Not sure what I'll do if I go in tomorrow and he's still there!! ;-) YIKES haha