Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Update Of Nothing In Particular

Well, I guess I should update my blog.  I've been a bit distracted and well, frankly a bit bored so haven't had much to write about.  Today is no different really.

Bryan is winging his way to Toulouse, France for some business meetings and I'm having my uterus removed.  Seems fair, don't you think?  Them's the breaks with a new job I guess.

Mom & Dad came out to be with me during the surgery and a couple weeks after during my recovery.  Bryan is supposed to be stateside on Saturday, then driving out here Sunday to pick up the camper, dogs and all the dog/outdoor crap.  Due to the long drive and having to be back at work on Thursday he'll be here for only two nights.  Sigh.

I'll move out of the Bernalillo house around the 24th.   Mom & Dad are stopping back by on their way back from the NM State Samboree in Gallup, to help my classmates (I can't load since my surgery) load up a POD and then that will be that.  I have a classmate that has offered to rent me their guest room for the remainder of my schooling (YIPPEE) so everything but my clothes and books gets shipped out.

Oooo, I did spend a fantastic afternoon at a heavenly spa (Ten Thousand Waves) in Santa Fe with a dear friend on Aug 25.  We soaked in the pools and lounged around.  It was terrific. I definitely want to go back and maybe splurge on a massage.  Afterward, we drank margaritas on the patio (her house, not the spa) and had dinner at the Coyote Cafe & Cantina in Santa Fe.  It was great food and even better company - thank you D & M for having me to visit and the terrific company!  It was the break I needed!

Today wrapped up my fourth semester.  I had a pharmacology final and had to present my large case study and pathology report.  I think it went OK.  I went a day early due to the surgery but I'm glad I'm DONE!.  The fifth and LAST (WHOOO--HOOOO) semester starts on Sept 13 and ends January 21.  Not that we are counting down the days or anything.  Give me a few more days and I'll be able to tell you the exact number of hours we have left.  Our class is so DONE with everything.

With the end drawing near I have really started to buckle down... OK, OK, I'm starting to think about buckling down and studying for the boards.  The practice tests are boogers!!  I've bought lots of study guides so by the time Feb gets here I should be good to go...  Maybe I shouldn't say anything here in case I'm NOT good to go.  :-(

OK... I need to start winding down as I have to be at the hospital at 5:30 AM tomorrow. I'll post more when I can and let you know how it all went.  Can't promise it will be anymore interesting than this post though, sorry.

1 comment:

clairz said...

Well, I just read this, so you've already had your surgery. Sorry you have to go through all that, but in no time you'll bounce right back. Sorry the pups are leaving, too, but maybe you will find it's like a vacation. Gosh, Raymona, this is a tough time, but you are a tough gal and will make it through!

Give my love to your parents.