Wednesday, September 22, 2010

The Last POD Out

Well, we did it, my parents and I.  We loaded up the last of my stuff (well, other than the clothes and books I'll need for the remainder of my stay in NM) today.  Kinda sad, mostly relieved.  I'm DONE packing!  Whew doggy what a chore and then poor Bryan on the other end having to unload it all.  At least I had help. Most of the POD was loaded on Monday thanks to some great friends from class - Richard, Sandy, Trevor, Chris and John - came out after class and had the house empty and all the heavy stuff loaded in under 2 hours.  You sure can't beat that!!

It was terrific to have their help since I'm still on "lift-nothing-over-15-pounds" restrictions for another 3 weeks.  (which is beyond old already)  I was so afraid Dad was going to try to do it all himself so THANK YOU guys for all of your help!!!

Today, we finished 'er up.  I will have two totes to load tomorrow of last minute stuff (coffee maker, air mattress, etc) but then that's it. What a huge relief to be done.  Now I just need to move my clothes and a few boxes to Sandy's and I'm done moving for a few months.

BTW - surgery went well.  I was home by Noon on Thursday (day after the surgery) and shopping with Mom by Saturday.  Haven't slowed down since.  It wasn't nearly as painful as the laprascopic gallbladder surgery I had a few years ago.  Had a check-up yesterday and all is well (other than the lifting and exercise restrictions that are still in place - sigh).  I am so thankful my parents were able to come and stay to help me the first week after and to help with the packing the second & third week.  I love them!!

Anyway, that's about all of my news - packing, loading, studying, going to class.  Exciting, I know.  I do have some photos to share of an excursion or two with Mom & Dad that I hope to get uploaded this weekend...  When what?  I DON'T HAVE TO PACK!!!!!!!!!!!!11

1 comment:

clairz said...

I am so far behind and just now catching up on your blog. I've had a summer of one work crew after another doing storm repair here on the house and some things we wanted to have done as well.

So, forgive me if I'm commenting all at once here. Funny, while I'm reading about your packing up, Bill is packing away in Clovis with only 6 more days to retirement and getting all his stuff moved down here.

Anyway, glad the surgery went well. I'm off to read the next few posts and admire the photos.