Tuesday, November 25, 2008

11/25 - Learning (slowly) How to Cook at a High Altitude

OK... so now (Thanksgiving, mother-in-law coming into town) is not the time to find out that you have to really rework recipes in order to make them come out correctly at high altitude (6000+ feet). We've noticed things take longer to cook, or we've had to up the heat on them but really... this is ridiculous!

This is my Mom's (and sorta mine too) famous carrot cake. I have to say, this has never-ever happened to me... OK, once with a berry cobbler but NEVER with a cake. What the heck?!?! Mom was stumped, Dad giggled...

I looked up high altitude cooking on the web (I'll post more on that later) and I guess you have to reduce a lot of the ingredients in your recipe... who knew??? It tastes great, really! Just looks a little... rough. And it took about 2 hours to cook. ARGH Turkey-day should be quite the adventure!!

Stop laughing!

1 comment:

Towanda said...

I don't have any pictures to prove it, but that same awful disaster has happened to me several times since I moved to New Mexico.

Guess we will be learners at this high-altitude cooking for a while. hahaha.....