Sunday, August 23, 2009

Aug 22 - Hannah & Maggie's First Swim

Saturday, we loaded up the Jeep, chased down the dogs & headed to Cochiti Lake. The lake is located on the Cochiti Pueblo just a few miles north and slightly west of us and is formed by the damming of the Rio Grande River by, what else, the Cochiti Dam.

Unlike our previous dogs, Ben & Bear, Hannah & Maggie aren't much into car rides. Perhaps because they tend to puke within 10 minutes of getting into one. However, mean as we are, we loaded them up & headed out bound & determined they were going to have fun. Did they ever. This was their first time to actually SWIM in something. They LOVE water, when we flood the place (that's how you water in the Bosque) they splash around, wrestle and have a fine time. Today started out scary (the water, not just the Jeep ride)... the water got DEEP, feet stopped touching!!! SCCCAAAARRRYYYY!

But eventually they got the hang of it and swam and swam and swam. Maggie would frog hop just as far as she could, leaping clear out of the water until she couldn't get traction. Hannah would start off wading, then when she was forced to swim she kicked into high gear and looked like a speed boat - her chest would ride out the water and big wakes would follow.

And they learned it was even better fun to dunk each other in the deeper water. Hilarious!

One thing that was 'hard' for Bryan & I to get used to is how warm the water is. We are used to wading in about ankle deep and having our feet go numb. What a joy to go in knee deep & it still be warm. Next trip we'll wear out suits and go in further too.

Let sleeping dogs lie... They went to bed at 9 PM and didn't move again until 6 PM Sunday morning when we got up to head to the Indian Market in Santa Fe. Heavenly!!


clairz said...

It always seems relatively empty at Cochiti Lake--very peaceful. Thanks for these great pictures. Keep them coming!

Towanda said...

OMG Raymona -- these pictures are a riot!!! I bet they want you to take them back ... tomorrow!!!!

Anonymous said...

Almost makes me want dogs! But, no... water here IS cold. Great pix!

WasSoggyInSeattle said...

yes, water there is cold but our previous two didn't seem to mind it.

They were so funny in the water - I need a video camera!