Sunday, September 13, 2009

And the camper fits...

Wouldn't that have just been a kick in the teeth... the camper not fitting on the new, beefy truck?!?! But it did. Bryan decided to move the camper today to make parking a bit easier in our tight driveway and it slid in perfectly. We still need to order the tie-downs and hitch (for Jeep towing) in order to go camping but we are halfway there now. At least we have the truck. And what a truck it is... we can now carry the camper FULL of fresh water, an AC (if we ever buy one),a generator, etc, etc and STILL be underweight for the GVRW rating! WHOOP-WHOOP! Now we can go back- country 'camping' & not worry about water! YEA!

There are a few little things that need to be fixed that Bryan has noticed once he got home but nothing serious.

Here's a few pics of the camper on the truck from this morning. I've been busy with school and the weather hasn't cooperated for more photos... Not my best photographic work but here you go.


Towanda said...

WOW! Great looking truck!!!

WasSoggyInSeattle said...

Thanks! Now are trying to replace all the 'parts & pieces' needed in order to load up the camper and get out of Dodge for a weekend... Stupid thieves!