Sunday, February 14, 2010

Clinicals Thus Far

I have almost finished up my major hospital clinical rotations - I head to Grants, NM for the next two weekends to spend time at Cibola General Hospital.  After that I'm at various locations across Albuquerque - rehab centers, PFT labs & a hyperbaric chamber.   It has been as scary & exciting as we all thought.

Our class was broken into groups of four and we went with those groups to the three major hospitals.  Our other assignments are in pairs or we go it alone.  

Most of the time the clinical instructor will assign us 1-2 maybe 3 patients and we will administer to those patients throughout our shift.  If the opportunity arises we also get to participate in codes, intubations, extubations, etc.  Last Friday our group was able to assist in an intubation - while a sad situation for the patient and their family, it is really exciting to actually participate in a procedure.  It really brings everything we have learned and are learning to life.  The doctor performing the procedure thought we did really well in the assist - which made us all fill good.  I mean, really, we assisted a doctor!!!  

I have been able to work with adults and pediatrics and so far, I am still leaning toward adults.  For a lot of reasons, but one being they don't scream like you are ripping their legs off when you give them a treatment.  It really bothers me to feel like I am hurting them even when I know I am helping.  Maybe it gets easier...  maybe.  Poor wee ones. 

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