Sunday, December 28, 2008

Dec 23 - Grandpa's Famous Peanut Patties

A Christmas tradition had always been Grandpa making his famous peanut patties; a few years ago, he stopped making them due to health reasons. So, I decided this year to take up the torch... at least on my end. With Grandpa's help, I made a couple batches - yummy!!!

Grandpa & Raymona making peanut patties

Grandma helping with the peanut patties.


Towanda said...

Would Grandpa share that recipe?

WasSoggyInSeattle said...

Maybe... Shoot me an email ( & I'll send it to you. I just don't want to post it on the blog... just in case he sees it. haha ;-) And if you promise not to post it somewhere... sharing with family/friends would be OK :-)

albert said...

Would love to have recipe
. thanks albert