Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Poison Ivy Sucks

OK, I have lived in Texas (this second time around) just about 4 months and have had poison ivy twice - first on my right forearm - I finally get it cleared up and now I have it on the right side of my abdomen.  REALLY??????

I lived 21 years (the first time around) in Texas - playing in the woods (that would be forest to you non-Texans) behind my house, camping, running through brush, etc and never-ever got it.  Between this, the storms and the humidity, Texas is not endearing itself to me.  I am beginning to think Texas is better as a state of mind (once a Texan always a Texan) than a place to live!!!  :-(

Watch out for this evil, evil plant.  

My parents swear by something called Poison Ivy Extract.  I guess Dad was pretty allergic to PI and if he even walked by it, he'd break out.  With this extract, he would take a drop in water on day one and build up to like 10 drops by day 10 or something like that and he's never had a case of it since.  Course this was many years ago and if it worked well, I'm sure its off the market now.  But I'll be looking for it!  If you've seen it somewhere - let me know!!


On a positive note, the weather the past few days has been PERFECT!  If only it would stay this way through the summer.  But alas, I know it won't, in fact, we are supposed to have storms again at the end of the week... oh wait, positive...  I forgot.  We have gotten quite a bit of much needed rain.  And luckily the wicked storms have all gone around us - we've just gotten rain and wind.

Mine looks a bit worse than this but I'm 
not about to take a photo of my 
lily-white belly and put it on the internet!!!

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