Friday, May 27, 2011

Squirrel Hunting

There is a squirrel that takes nothing but great pleasure in teasing Hannah & Maggie.  S/he bounds from tree to tree and then gets on the other side of fence, just out of reach and twitters and twitches. 

They will spend hours staring up into the trees watching for him.


Potters said...

HaHa!! Damn Squirrel! They should come on up here. I just put down two 20Lbs bags of hazelnut shells in a couple areas around my patio. Two squirrels are crazy with excitment about them...even if a few leftover morsels.

WasSoggyInSeattle said...

My mom fed the squirrels - she eventually had 41 at her house. Then they got into their camper trailer and tore up a bunch of wiring - so mom started shooting them. They were cute while they lasted.

This little guy is BRAVE and such a tease! Drives the girls nuts!