Thursday, July 15, 2010

Big News

Well, what we said would never-EVER happen... happened.  Or rather is happening...  we are moving back to Texas.  Yes, you can stop rubbing your eyes, you read it correctly and its true.  We. Are. Moving. To.Texas.  I know, un-freaking-believable!!!  I still can't really comprehend it.

Neither of us is thrilled for a whole bunch of reasons but Bryan got a great job offer and so, off we go.  Here's how it started...

Two - three months ago after months of fruitless searching here in New Mexico and much soul searching on both our parts we decided he should move his job search to Texas.  I did some looking too, for Respiratory Therapy jobs, and there were quite a few positions in the Dallas-Fort Worth area so he put his sister's address on his resume and had more calls and subsequent interviews in 2 mos than he did in 22 months here.  A long story short (more or less) he received a job offer from Weber Aircraft, a subsidiary of Zodiac Aerospace, a French firm.   The company seems like a great company with great people and we feel very blessed with the opportunity.  Now the fun begins.

The past three weeks have been a whirlwind of decision-making, rental house hunting, packing and storing...  I can tell you, its much easier to move all at once instead of just partially.  We have almost emptied the house and the plan is (for now, it seems to change from day to day) is for Bryan to get a house in Texas and when  the lease is up here I'll move into an apartment until I graduate and take my board exams.  Things could change but for now...

Oh, I didn't say WHERE in Texas we were moving too, did I?  Gainesville, TX - for those of not familiar with Texas, Gainesville is located north of the DFW area almost into Oklahoma.  Within a couple of hours where we grew up.  It's a small town, around 15,000 which is what is making this bearable.  We don't want to be in the 'big city' of Dallas, Ft Worth or surrounds.

I'm starting to get excited about the move - if you can't change it, embrace it, right?  And look forward to the next chapter in our lives.  The next few months will be a challenge but we are planning several trips back and forth and with any luck I will be able to get some clinical rotations in area hospitals at the end of the year.  I think the hardest adjustment for us will be (aside from the incredible heat & humidity) being back in the thick of family (both of our families are in the DFW area).  We've been away for almost 18 years and are used to it being "just us".  Should be interesting.

So that's our news.  Our stint in the Land of Enchantment seems to be drawing to a close.  I can't say its been a great ride, but is has certainly been an interesting one.


clairz said...

At some point you said you were extending your search beyond NM, but I was thinking AZ or CO, so TX does come as a surprise. Well, as you say, embrace the change.

I hope you don't have to be apart for too long. We've been running two households (but together on about half the weekends) for 8 months now, and just can't wait to have our family all back together again in November.

Congrats to Bryan on his new job! Please keep blogging, won't you?

WasSoggyInSeattle said...

I most certainly will and we did look in CO & AZ but came up empty. It will be great - once B finds a place in TX. Don't know why it stresses me so much but... there you go.