Sunday, July 25, 2010

New House

It seems so weird to me that I'm not helping to move into our new house in Texas... that other people are seeing it before me, cleaning it, deciding where the furniture goes, what cabinets hold what.  Weird and a bit disconcerting and honestly, I'm not happy about it.  Happy that Bryan has someone help him move and get things set up - not happy that that someone is not me.  Boo hoo - pity party of one, pity party of one.  :-)

But really, MANY thanks to his Mom, my nephew and his sister and bro-in-law for ALL of their help, scrubbing, cleaning, hoisting, moving, dragging...  all of our crap from two different storage units!  We couldn't have done it without your support and help!  THANK YOU!!!!

So here is a few photos of the new rental.  Now you know about as much about it as I do.  :-)

Garage/Side view

Looking from dining room into kitchen and laundry room beyond

One living room

From one living room down hall to kitchen... I think



1 comment:

clairz said...

Mmm, love that deck. That's where I'd be spending my time! That is such a nice house. You'll get there eventually.

When we decided to buy a house in a different place from where my husband was still working, it seemed like it would be forever before we got the family reunited. However, we've got 8 months down and just 3 months to go. The time will go by for you, especially since you are so busy.

I have to say that I've changed quite a bit through this experience and have become a much stronger and independent person. Somebody has to remember where the car is parked in the supermarket lot, and that somebody is always me... ;)