Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Photos From the Past Few Weeks

I feel like my friend, Suddenly SAHM - just no time or more importantly, energy, to blog much right now.  So here are a few pics from the past few weeks.

Coronado Monument - Bernalillo, NM

Dad and Jake at the Rio Grande - Bernalillo, NM

Dad - President, Portales Conestoga Good Sams

Jake & her blue ribbon from the NM Samboree 
Dog Show - Best "Live Roadkill" (long story)

Close up of Jake

Jake swimming the Rio Grande

Sandia's from Coronado Monument - Bernalillo, NM

Mom in her bucket hat

Me & Mom at Coronado Monument 
overlooking the Rio Grande

Woman's face in the tree

My toes in the Rio - There are two faces and a 
porcupine hidden in this photo - can you see 'em?
(Click photo to enlarge)

1 comment:

clairz said...

You and your parents and Jake are looking great. As for the porcupine, etc. I can't see them!