Friday, April 10, 2009

Puppies For Sale or Rent...

Two cuties for fifty cents.
No fleas, no ticks, no scars, they don't like ridin' in cars.
Ah, but two hours of walking trails
Gets them sick on horse & rabbit poop.
They aren't mean by no means, they're just not queens of the road...

OK, so it doesn't quite rhyme but...

We've come up with Native American (Indian) names for Maggie & Hannah... sort of depends on what part of the country they are in but...

Hannah's Indian names:
"I eat cat poop" (Navajo - Gallup, NM)
"I eat coyote droopings" (whomever is near Las Cruces, NM)
"I eat horse poop" (Singua - Cottonwood, AZ)

And we've modified Hannah's American name as well - Hannah Barfanna and/or Hannah Pukesalot....

Maggie's Indian names:
"I eat whatever Hannah eats" (covers all the tribes)
"I eat ants" (Singua- Cottonwood, AZ) For some reason she will stand over an ant bed and pluck them up... stupid dog.

But at least she can ride in a car... sigh.... nothing like cleaning up regurgitated horse poop while traveling down the road at 70 mph!!!

Attacking Mom as she straightens up the bed
It's fun attacking from behind
I'm wheelin' man! (Maggie)
Put the top back up on the Jeep,
the sun's too bright!!!
I don't feel so good... (Hannah Pukesalot)


KarinP said...

Yet another dog story from Raymona that makes me pretty dang sure I don't EVER want to own a dog. Cat puke is gross, but Dog puke that was once Poop from another animal.....eggadds, that is too much for me. :)

WasSoggyInSeattle said...

But look how CUTE they are... Your baby girls (& Mike) need a puppy!! Just don't take them driving and you'll be OK...